Laser Tattoo Removal
Say good-bye to unwanted body art!
Tattoo removal is surprisingly easy to perform. Our sophisticated and powerful lasers reduce the risk for scarring and pigment changes, especially in comparison to older surgical methods. We are pleased to offer a procedure that treats not just black ink, but all colors like blues, greens and yellows. Treatment protocols range in the number of sessions, according to the size and color variety in the tattoo, skin type of the patient, and type of ink. Generally, these tattoo removal protocols range from three to ten treatments, in intervals of four to six weeks. Most tattoos can be removed with this simple technology, and we have the quality of laser that offers the precision needed for safe and effective tattoo removal. Ask about package discounts!\
BTW: This laser is also FDA approved to treat toenail fungus (onychomycosis) in a single treatment!
Call for details. 406-565-5985